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Current status and future prospects for human papillomavirus vaccines

Archives of Pharmacal Research 2017³â 40±Ç 9È£ p.1050 ~ 1063
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±èÇüÁø ( Kim Hyoung-Jin ) 
Chung-Ang University College of Pharmacy

±èÈ«Áø ( Kim Hong-Jin ) 
Chung-Ang University College of Pharmacy


Cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer among women worldwide. Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause almost all cervical cancers in low-income countries. Three prophylactic HPV virus-like particle-based vaccines have been licensed to date, and they have all shown high efficacy and reliable safety profiles. However, isolated safety issues have resulted in a reluctance to use these vaccinations. In addition, the high prices of the vaccinations have caused the inequitable distribution of the vaccine: the prices are unaffordable for low-income countries. Meanwhile, great effort has been put into the development of therapeutic HPV vaccines, including protein/peptide-, live vector-, DNA- and cell-based vaccines. These new vaccines have considerable therapeutic potential but limited practical use. The development of immune checkpoint inhibitors and personalized immunotherapy remain challenges for future study. In this article, the current status of the licensed vaccines, therapeutic HPV vaccines and biosimilars, and new platforms for HPV vaccines, are reviewed, and safety issues related to the licensed vaccines are discussed. In addition, the prospects for HPV vaccines are considered.


Prophylactic vaccine; Therapeutic vaccine; Immunotherapy; Immune checkpoint; Biosimilar

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