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Ç׿ì¿ïÁ¦ Áß´Ü ÁõÈıº Antidepressants Discontinuation Syndrome

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Antidepressants discontinuation syndrome means a wide variety of somatic and psychological reactions due to stopping antidepressants after long term administration. The main features of antidepressants discontinuation syndrome are gastrointestinal complaints, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, sleep disorders, balance and sensory disorders, and affective symptoms. It has been postulated that multiple neuronal systems including the serotonin, norepinephrine, and cholinergic systems, and the possible interactions among them are likely to be engaged. They were reported with nearly all antidepressants but the symptoms are somewhat different among the antidepressant classes owing to the different mechanism of action and the pharmacologic properties such as half-life and active metabolite. The symptoms of discontinuation are usually mild and transient, but can range widely in severity. They commence within a few days of stopping medication or reducing the dosage rapidly, resolves spontaneously within 2 weeks. It is important to recognize the symptoms of discontinuation and distinguish them from relapse because misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate treatment and adversely effect future antidepressant compliance.


Ç׿ì¿ïÁ¦ Áß´Ü ÁõÈıº;Ç׿ì¿ïÁ¦ ±Ý´Ü ÁõÈıº
Antidepressants discontinuation syndrome;Antidepressants withdrawal syndrome

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