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Ultrasonographic findings in Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome: a thickened or three-layer hepatic capsule

Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 2018³â 35±Ç 1È£ p.127 ~ 129
¹®À¯È£, ±èÁ¤È£, Á¤¿øÁØ, ¹Ú½Å·ü,
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¹®À¯È£ ( Moon You-Ho ) 
Daegu Fatima Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine

±èÁ¤È£ ( Kim Jung-Ho ) 
Yeungnam University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
Á¤¿øÁØ ( Jeong Won-Joon ) 
Chungnam National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
¹Ú½Å·ü ( Park Sin-Youl ) 
Yeungnam University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine


Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (FHCS) is characterized by inflammation of the perihepatic capsules associated with the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). FHCS is not a serious disease, but if not treated properly, it can result in increased medical costs, prolonged treatment, and dissatisfaction with treatment. However, early recognition of FHCS in the emergency department can be difficult because its symptoms or physical findings may mimic many other diseases. Although contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) is the useful imaging modality for recognition of FHCS, it is available only when a high suspicion is established. We performed point-of-care ultrasonography in an 18-year-old woman who had a sharp right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain without PID symptoms and found a thickened or three-layer hepatic capsule. These findings coincided with areas showing increased hepatic capsular enhancement in the arterial phase of CECT. These results show that if the thickened or three-layer hepatic capsule without evidence of a common cause of RUQ pain is observed on ultrasonography in women of childbearing age with RUQ abdominal pain, the physician can consider the possibility of FHCS.


Pelvic inflammatory disease; Ultrasonography; Abdominal pain

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