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2020 Korean Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Part 5. Post-cardiac arrest care

Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine 2021³â 8±Ç 0È£ p.41 ~ 64
±è¿µ¹Î, Á¤°æ¿î, ±è¿ø¿µ, ¹ÚÀ¯¼®, ¿ÀÁÖ¼®, À¯¿¬È£, À̵¿ÈÆ, ä¹ÎÁ¤, Á¤À¯Áø, ±è¹Îö, ÇÏÀºÁø, Ȳ°æÁø, ±è¿ø¼®, ÀÌÀç¸í, Â÷°æö, Á¤¼ºÇÊ, ¹ÚÁص¿, ±èÇѼ®, À̹ÌÁø, ³ª»óÈÆ, ±è¾Ö¶õ, Ȳ¼º¿À,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±è¿µ¹Î ( Kim Young-Min ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine

Á¤°æ¿î ( Jeung Kyung-Woon ) 
Chonnam National University School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
±è¿ø¿µ ( Kim Won-Young ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Asan Medical Center Department of Emergency Medicine
¹ÚÀ¯¼® ( Park Yoo-Seok ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
¿ÀÁÖ¼® ( Oh Joo-Suk ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
À¯¿¬È£ ( You Yeon-Ho ) 
Chungnam National University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
À̵¿ÈÆ ( Lee Dong-Hoon ) 
Chung-Ang University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
ä¹ÎÁ¤ ( Chae Min-Jung Kathy ) 
Ajou University School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
Á¤À¯Áø ( Jeong Yoo-Jin ) 
Chonnam National University School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
±è¹Îö ( Kim Min-Chul ) 
Chonnam National University Medical School Department of Internal Medicine
ÇÏÀºÁø ( Ha Eun-Jin ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery
Ȳ°æÁø ( Hwang Kyoung-Jin ) 
Kyung Hee University School of Medicine Department of Neurology
±è¿ø¼® ( Kim Won-Seok ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
ÀÌÀç¸í ( Lee Jae-Myung ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Department of General Surgery
Â÷°æö ( Cha Kyoung-Chul ) 
Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
Á¤¼ºÇÊ ( Chung Sung-Phil ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
¹ÚÁص¿ ( Park June-Dong ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
±èÇѼ® ( Kim Han-Suk ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
À̹ÌÁø ( Lee Mi-Jin ) 
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
³ª»óÈÆ ( Na Sang-Hoon ) 
Seoul National University College of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine
±è¾Ö¶õ ( Kim Ai-Rhan ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
Ȳ¼º¿À ( Hwang Sung-Oh ) 
Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine


[ÃʷϾøÀ½:No abstract]


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