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°¨°¢Á¶ÀýÀå¾Ö ¾Æµ¿À» À§ÇÑ °¡Á¤ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ÀÇ È¿°ú The Effect of Home-based Program For Children With Sensory Modulation Disorder

´ëÇÑ°¨°¢ÅëÇÕÄ¡·áÇÐȸÁö 2003³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.25 ~ 37
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À̼º¾Æ ( Lee Sung-A ) 
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±èÁö¿¬ ( Kim Ji-Youn ) 
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Á¶ÀºÈñ ( Cho Eun-Hee ) 
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¹Ú°æ¿µ ( Park Kyong-Young ) 
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Objective: To explore the effectiveness of sensory integration program of home-based outcomes in child with sensory modulation disorder.

Methods: This study used the simple case study. The subjects were three children diagnosed as developmentally delayed who 14 month and 26 month males and a 15 month female. After initial evaluation, parents were educated on sensory diet and Wilbarger protocol method for 30 minutes twice for home-based treatment and asked to make out daily treatment planning. To measure improvement of children, we used for the Denver Developmental Screening Test II(DDST II), Wee Functional Independence Measure(WeeFIM), hand function, functional ability, oral motor function, Sensory Profile(Dunn, 1999).

Results: After the home-based program, the scored of the Denver Developmental Screening Test II(DDST II), Wee Functional Independence Measure(WeeFIM), hand function, functional ability, oral motor function, Sensory Profile(Dunn, 1999) were higher rather than initial evaluation after the home-based program.

Conclusion:The home-based program is effective for children with sensory modulation disorder but parents had to be educated by therapist specific evaluation and treatment in sensory integration.


Home-based program;Sensory integration;Sensory modulation disorder

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