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´ëÇÑ°¨°¢ÅëÇÕÄ¡·áÇÐȸÁö 2003³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.39 ~ 51
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À̹ÌÈñ ( Lee Mi-Hee ) 
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Objective: To explore the effect of intensive sensory integration therapy through daily camp programs for children with sensory modulation disorder.

Methods: A comparison of quantitative data and qualitative description between before and after sensory integration therapy camp and main outcome measure was used, including MAP behavior checklist, JSI-2, COPM, sensory history, STEP-SI.

Results: The adaptive response was increased and sensory modulation problems were observed less than before the camp.

Conclusion: For this study a more diverse, extended and intensive SI program is considered necessary. Further study is needed to develop these findings.


Sensory modulation disorder;Sensory integration;Therapy camp

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