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¹é¾ÇÁú Çü¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀÌÇØ¿Í Àü¸Á Current understanding in cementogenesis

´ëÇѱ¸°­ÇغÎÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 34±Ç 1È£ p.57 ~ 67
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¹èöÇö ( Bae Cheol-Hyeon ) 
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Á¶ÀǽĠ( Cho Eui-Sic ) 
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There are 4 hard tissues that composes tooth root and it¡¯s surro?unding tissues. They shows similarities but distinct characteristics between them. Tooth cementum is one of hard tissues that covers the root enables attachment of periodontal ligament to the surface of the root. These cementum functions in anchoring and adaptation of tooth and it¡¯s loss cause pathological loss of tooth. Despite of it¡¯s theoretical and practical significance, we faced a difficulty on nder?standing of cementum from it¡¯s complicate characteristics and mecha?nisms of formation. In this situation, we need to check our advance?ment of knowledge about cementum. In here, distinct characteristics of cementum is shown with a concomitant feature of bone. And also classification of cementum that can¡¯t be firmly defined for it¡¯s com?plexity is introduced that can be associated with distinct composition and it¡¯s genesis. As cementum deposits on to developing root surface, cementogenesis should be considered with root development and it is described here with disputes of cementoblast origin. In addition as a candidate regulatory molecules of cementogeneis, enamel matrix proteins and pyrophosphate regulators are shown. Although we need much more things to do to reveal cementum as a distinct tissue from the knowledge of comprehensive understanding of cementogenesis and it¡¯s regulation we get find more effect way to regenerate cementum.


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