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With the new functional discovery of stem cells from apical papilla (SCAP), there has been identified dif?ference between SCAP and dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in gene expression. SCAP and DPSC, which are both human mesenchymal stem cells extracted from two histologically similar but distinct tissues, have dif?ferent potential regeneration abilities. For deeper understanding of distinct regeneration ability, the difference among SCAP, crown pulp cells, and root pulp cells must be studied. The purpose of this paper is to identify the main differences of gene expression among SCAP, crown pulp, and root pulp and to discover the possibility of origin difference of crown dentin and root dentin. In the Real time PCR gene expression chart, crown pulp showed higher expression level of Runx2 than that of SCAP and root pulp. In the western blot assay, both expression levels c-IAP and CDK2 showed similar pattern. The gene expression levels were higher in SCAP and root pulp cells than in crown pulp cells. In addition, c-IAP and CDK2 expression levels in SCAP and root pulp cells were similar. The results suggested that these comparison data show that the origin of the crown pulp could be different from the origin of the root pulp. Thus, there is a possibility that the crown dentin and root dentin have different origin.


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Odontoblast; Crown; Root; Gene expression; Comparison

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