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Ä¡¼ö°¡ ±«»çµÈ ¹Ì¼º¼÷ Ä¡¾Æ¿¡¼­ÀÇ Àç»ý±Ù°üÄ¡·á Regenerative endodontic treatment of an immature tooth with necrotic pulp

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Regeneration is a process that involves replacing a missing or damaged part of an organism to recover its structure and function; this has recently become one of the most promising concepts in medicine. According to this concept, practitioners not only replace the damaged parts or organs but also incorporate into clinical pro?cedure the growth and differentiating factors that biologically stimulate and induce the regeneration process. Similarly, many studies have been conducted in dentistry to develop treatment protocols that help biological recovery of a damaged tooth and the surrounding periodontal tissues. When pulp of a tooth is infected due to trauma or caries, the traditionally administered treatment is root canal therapy which removes the intracanal pulp, cleans and shapes the canal space, and fills it with inactivated material; however, some limitations of using this method in immature permanent teeth have been reported. To overcome such limitations in immature teeth, regenerative endodontic treatment procedure can be an alterna?tive that promotes the growth of both canal wall width and canal length. Many studies regarding regenerative endodontic procedure of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp have been done so far; however, further studies that consider the root growth process and the development of pulp-dentin complex are necessary to in?crease the clinical usefulness of these methods. Accordingly, this study aimed to thoroughly understand the regenerative endodontic treatment procedure and analyze its prognosis by reviewing previous related studies. It also was focused on seeking ways to apply this procedure in actual everyday clinical situations.


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Regeneration; Endodontic treatment; Immature tooth

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