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´ëÇѱ¸°­ÇغÎÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 41±Ç 1È£ p.29 ~ 40
À¯¼±°æ, ¾ç±¤¿­, ¼­¿ä¼·, ±èÈïÁß,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
À¯¼±°æ ( Yu Sun-Kyoung ) 
Chosun University School of Dentistry Department of Anatomy and Orofacial Development

¾ç±¤¿­ ( Yang Kwang-Yeol ) 
Chosun University School of Dentistry Department of Anatomy and Orofacial Development
¼­¿ä¼· ( Seo Yo-Seob ) 
Chosun University School of Dentistry Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
±èÈïÁß ( Kim Heung-Joong ) 
Chosun University School of Dentistry Department of Anatomy and Orofacial Development


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The interalveolar foramen, which is located close to the alveolar crest and observed as a vertical radiolucent line, has a greater risk of complications compared to other accessory foramen. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the morphological characteristics of the interalveolar foramen and analyze them according to sex and age using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. The number, frequency, and location of the interalveolar foramen were investigated on a total of 110 CBCT images. The diameter of the interalveolar foramen, the vertical distance to its upper margin, and the height to the alveolar crest of the mandible from the inferior border of the mandible were measured. There was at least one interalveolar foramen in 98.1% images, with 2 or 3 foramina in 81.8% images. It was present the most frequently between the central incisor and the lateral incisor in 69.5% images, and then between the canine and the first premolar in 14.1% images. The mean diameter of the interalveolar foramen was 0.71¡¾0.21 mm and its mean vertical distance from the inferior border of the mandible was 30.15¡¾2.40 mm. There was no significant difference according to sex, but there were significant differences in age in all measurement items. An interalveolar foramen with a diameter ¡Ã 1 mm appeared in 26.4% of all subjects, with elderly women showing a high incidence of 29.3%. These findings provide quantitative data on the interalveolar foramen that can be easily overlooked during surgical procedures in the anterior region of the mandible.


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Interalveolar foramen; Anterior mandible; Cone beam computed tomography; Accessory foramen

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