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Molecular mechanisms underlying tooth root development

´ëÇѱ¸°­ÇغÎÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 41±Ç 1È£ p.41 ~ 54
Yang Liu, Á¶ÀǽÄ,
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 ( Yang Liu ) 
Chonbuk National University Institute of Oral Biosciences Cluster for Craniofacial Development and Regeneration Research

Á¶ÀǽĠ( Cho Eui-Sic ) 
Chonbuk National University Institute of Oral Biosciences Cluster for Craniofacial Development and Regeneration Research


Root is a crucial and functional part of tooth for mammals, and tooth root development begins after the completion of tooth crown. Although bioengineered tooth has been extensively researched in animal studies recently, it is still impossible to regenerate new tooth in humans. Moreover, the intricate molecular networks that regulate root development, which are the cornerstone of tooth regeneration, still remain largely unknown. Therefore, fully understanding tooth root development is of great interest to aid further research in the field of regenerative medicine. Herein, we review the advances in the understanding of processes and mechanisms of root development using different mouse models. In this review, we start with the Hertwig¡¯s epithelial root sheath (HERS) formation, which marks the initiation of root development. We then highlight root dentinogenesis and cementogenesis with a focus on the molecules and signaling networks mediating root development. In addition, we summarize the complicated molecular interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme during root development. Finally, this review also features a list of various root abnormalities using gene deletion or overexpression mouse models to provide an overview of root malformations.


root development; epithelium; mesenchyme; dentinogenesis; cementogenesis

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