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°æÃß¼Õ»óȯÀÚÀÇ È£Èí°ü¸® Respiratory Management in Cervical-fractured Patients

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It is well known that the impairment of both oxyxgenation and ventilation in acute traumatic patients is closely related to the high incidence of morbidity and mortality. For the unconscious patient who has sustained blunt trauma and the need for
definitive airway is anticipated, determine the urgency or establishing an airway.
Because acute respiratory failure is the most common cause of death especially in the cervical fractured patients, it is mandatory to keep an airway and artificial ventilation to improve the oxygenation and ventilation in these patients. It is
necessary to make oneself familiar with not only the method ordinally to keep an airway and artificial ventilation and the equipments for the urgent situation but also the changes of pulmonary function and the respiratory pattern following spinal


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