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¼ö¼úÁß Dextran - 40 Åõ¿©¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ °ú¹Î¹ÝÀÀ Ä¡Çè Anaphylactic Reaction Associated with the Use of Dextran - 40

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Dextran-40 has been used widely as a plasma volume expander and is being used increasingly for prophylactic antithrombotic therapy in surgical patients, who are at high risk of thrombo-embolic complications. But it has severe complications such as allergic reaction and anaphylaxis.
We experienced a case in which an anaphylactic reaction associated with the infusion of dextran-40 during spinal anesthesia for orthopedic surgery in a 62 year-old male patient. It is important to remember that anaphylaxis associated with infusion of dextran may be occured, although it is rare.


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