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¼ºÄ¡·áÀÇ À̷аú ½ÇÁ¦ The theory and the practice of Sex-therapy

´ëÇѳ²¼º°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.41 ~ 50
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À¯°èÁØ/Yoo KJ


The Author presented the introductory remarks including the brief historical review of the change in sexual conceps from Freud¢¥s thinking to the recent trends of human sexuality, and described that psychosexual dysfunctions are recognized as distinct syndrome and impairment within the filed of psychiatry, in which the adaptive psycho-physiological changes are impaired in one or more phases through a complete sexual response cycle.
The author introduced definition and diagnostic criteria of these disorders according to DSM-III classification.

Theoretically the author discussed the principle and method of Masters and Johnson¢¥s dual therapy and proposed the modified technique for the korean patients.

Practically the author emphasized the followings;

1. Successive education of sex-knowledge

2. Elimination of bias and prehudice against

Sex-behavior morally and ethicalley for the purpose of sex-therapy, for both therapist and patient.

3. Utilization of video-equipment of sex-therapy.


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