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´ëÀå ¹× Á÷Àå¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¸»ÃÊÇ÷, ÇÏÀå°£¸·Á¤¸ÆÇ÷, ´ãÁó ¹× Á÷Àå ºÐºñ¹° °£ÀÇ CEAÄ¡ÀÇ ÀÇÀÇ¿Í »ó°ü°ü°è Comparision and Correlation of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Levels between Peripheral Blood and Inferior Mesenteric Vein Blood, and Gallbladder Bile, and Rectal Secretion

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1991³â 7±Ç 2È£ p.105 ~ 111
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µµº´¼ö/Byung Soo Do Á¤¿¬¿õ/±è»ó¿î/±èÀçȲ/½É¹Îö/±Ç±²º¸/Yon Woong Chung/Sang Woon Kim/Jae Hwang Kim/Min Chul Shim/Koing Bo Kwun


The usefulness of serical CEA(carcinoembryonic antigen) determinations in s1aging,
detection, prognosis monitoring of therapy in patients with colorectal cancer has been
reported frequently during past the 20 years.
CEA in now the most widely used and to most useful marker for many cancers,
including those of the clown, lung, pancreas, and breast.
In this study, in order to clarify the mechanism by which CEA is released into
peripheral blood, bile through the liver and rectal secretion, 20 patients with cotorectal
cancer were examined for the correlation between CEA levels in peripheral and inferior
mesenteric vein(IMV) blood, and gallbladder bile, and rectal secretion. They were also
examined for the change of CEA levels in IMV blood during operation immediately after
laparotomy and after resection of the cancer lesions. 20 patients of benign anal disease
(hemorroid, anal fistula and fissure) were included in this study as control group.
The results were as follows:
1) The mean CEA level of peripheral blood in colorectal cancer patients
significantly higher than that of Peripheral blood in benign anal disease Patients. In
colorectal cancer group; 2.9 ¡¾ 1.52 ng/ml, In benign anal disease group: 0.9=0.51 ng/
ml(P¡Â 0.0001).
2) The mean CEA level in IMV blood during operation was significantly higher than
that of peipheral blood in colorectal(cancer) patients. In IMV blood: 5.3 = 4.5 ng/ml, In
peripheral blood; 2.9¡¾ 1.92 ng/ml(p¡Â 0.05).
3) The mean CEA level in IMV 1±âcod immediately after laparotomy(5.3¡¾4.54 ng/ml)
was not significantly different from that in IMV blood after the resection of cancer
lesions(5.6¡¾5.18 ng/ml)
4) Gallbladder bile CEA levels were observed in 4 patients with hepatic metastasis
from the colorectal cancer. In 2 patients;>80ng/ml, In one patient; 12.0 ng/ml and the
other one patient; 5.6 ng/ml.
5) The CEA levels in rectal secretion of the Patients with benign and malignant
disease were high as > 80ng/ml.


Portal Vein; Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA);

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