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º¹È¸À½ ÀýÁ¦¼ú½Ã Taurolin°üÁÖ¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀüÇâÀû ÀÓ»ó½ÇÇè Prospective Trial of Taurolin Irrigation in Abdominoperineal Resection

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ÇÏ¿© ¿¬±¸ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±× °á°ú â»ó °¨¿°À¸·Î TaurolinÀ» »ç¿ëÇÑ ±º¿¡¼­ 5%, »ç¿ë ¾ÈÇÑ ±º¿¡¼­
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¹è¾ç¿¡¼­´Â TaurolinÀ» »ç¿ëÇÑ ±º¿¡¼­ 20¿¹Áß 5¿¹(25%)¿¡¼­, »ç¿ëÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀº ±º¿¡¼­´Â 21¿¹
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Taurolin is a new chemotherapeutic agent, a derivative of endogenous amino-sulphonic
acid, taurine. Taurolin apparently acts on the micro-organisms by the transfer of
methylol molecules to the wall of the bacteria, causing their destruction and, at the
same time, denaturing the peptide-oligosaccharides and the lido-polysaccharides that
constitute the Gram-negative bacterial endotoxins. It may be administered at an
appropriate concentration by the intraperitoneal rout without toxic effect.
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Taurolin irrigation in
abdominoperineal resection. From June 1991 to February 1992, 41 patients who
underwent abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer entered the trial. Two percents of
Taurolin was instilled into the Pelvic cavity prior to closure of abdomen after saline
irrigation in 20 patients. Only saline was instilled in 21 patients. Complete blood count
and liver function study were checked Preoperatively and postoperative 7th
Abdominal and Perineal wounds were closely examined postoperatively and the fluid
from Hemo-vac catheter was cultured.
There were no differences in complete blood count and liver function study.
The wound infection was found in one out of 20 patients(5% ) in Taurolin instilled
group and three out of 21 patients(14%) in saline instilled group. It was not statistically
different. In saline instilled group, the enteric bacteria were cultured in 11 out of 21
Patients(52%) and in Taurolin instilled group, 5 out of 20 patients(25% ). So culture rate
was significantly lower in Taurolin instilled group.
Although we could not find any statistically significant difference in wound
complication in this small number of patients, the culture rate of the enteric bacteria
decreased in Taurolin instilled group and 5% of wound infection rate in Taurolin
instilled group is relatively low infection rate in abdominoperineal resection as compared
to other reports.


Miles' Operation; Taurolin;

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