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1) °ú°Å 20³â°£ Áø´ÜµÈ °áÁ÷ÀåÀÇ ¾ÏÁ¾ 1,386¿¹ Áß ¿ø¹ß¼º ÀÎȯ¼¼Æ÷ ¾ÏÁ¾Àº 23¿¹(1.7%)¿´
°í, ¿¬·Éº° ºóµµ´Â 20´ë¿¡ 14¿¹(60.9%), 30´ë°¡ 6¿¹(26.1%), ±×¸®°í 40´ë¿¡ 3¿¹(13.0%)¿´À¸
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2) ÃÑ 23¿¹ Áß ¿ìÃø°áÀå¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ °ÍÀÌ 5¿¹(21.7%), ÁÂÃø°áÀå¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ °ÍÀÌ 6¿¹(26.2%),
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3) ¿ø¹ß¼º ÀÎȯ¼¼Æ÷ ¾ÏÁ¾ 23¿¹ Áß Dukes B º´º¯ÀÌ 4¿¹(17.4%), Dukes Cº´º¯ÀÌ 19¿¹
(82.6%)¿´°í, °áÀå°ú Á÷Àå »çÀÌ¿¡ Dukesº´±âº° ºóµµ¿¡ À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ÀÎÁ¤µÇÁö ¾Æ´Ï ÇÏ¿´
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This study was performed to find out the differential points between primary
colorectal SRCC and ordinary adenocarcinoma of colon, and between primary colorectal
SRCC and secondary SRCC derived from gastric SRCC. The author analyzed clinical
and pathological aspects of 23 cases of primary colorectal SRCC out of 1,386 consecutive
cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma of the large bowel during last 20 years at Pusan
National University Hospital, Kosin medical center, and Dong-A University Hospital.
The results obtained were summarized as follows:
1) Of the 1,386 cases of colorectal adenocarcinomas, 23 cases(1.7%) of primary SRCC
were identified. The age incidence revealed 14 cases(60.9%) at the 3rd decade, 6
cases(26.1%) at the 4th decade, and 3 cases(13.0%) at the 5th decade. The mean age
was 29.5-year-old and male to female ratio was 1.9 : 1.
2) The analysis of the site involved revealed 5 cases(21.7%) on right colon, 6
cases(26.2%) on left colon, and 12 cases(52.2%) on rectum. Preferred sites were left
colon and rectum and the majority of the cases located distal to the splenic flexure.
There was no sex difference about the site incidence.
3) Of 23 cases of primary colorectal SRCC, 4 cases(17.4%) were Dukes B lesion and
19 cases(82.6%) Dukes C lesion. There were no difference about the Dukes stage
between colon cases and rectal ones.
4) Histologically the primary colorectal SRCC was composed of classic signet ring
cells and small anaplastic cells. The arrangement of the cancer cells showed 8 cases of
nodular pattern(34.7%), 12 cases of diffuse ones(52.3%), and 3 cases of desmoplastic
5) The histochemical property of intracellular mucin of tumor cells was the mixture of
neutral and the acid mucins, and acid mucin was the mixture of sulfo-and sialomucins
with pre-dominance of O-acylated sialomucin.
On the above finding, the author concluded that primary colorectal SRCC and ordinary
adenocarcinoma of colorectum can be differentiated on the bases of the clinical and
pathologic parameters of those cancers. And primary SRCC and secondary from gastric
SRCC can be differentiated by the properties of intracellular mucin of the tumor cells.


Signet ring cell carcinoma(SRCC);

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