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º¹ÀâÄ¡·ç¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °ý¾à±Ù º¸Á¸¼ú½Ä Closure of Internal Opening in the Management of Complex Anal Fistula; Extrasphincteric Approach

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Complex anal fistula can be defined when the primary tract crosses the upper part of
the external sphincter or when the tract is suprasphincteric. Classic lay-open leaves
large wound to heal and Poor functional outcome. So various operative methods were
developed to preserve continence as much as possible.
Takano reported a new operative method for the treatment of complicated anal fistula:
exposure of whole fistulous tract by extrasphincteric incision, minimal excision of
primary abscess existing at the mid-posterior Courtney's space, and primary closure.
We modified it by making suture tie outside of the anal canal.
Twenty-one cases have been treated with this method from July 1990 to June 1994 at
Kyungpook University Hospital. 15 cases were healed and 6 cases were recurred. The
mucosal advancement flap was added on the last four cases and resulted in no failure.


Anal Fistula;

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