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ºÐ¸¸¼Õ»ó¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¿Ü»ó¼º Ãѹ輳°­ÀÇ °æȸÀ½ºÎ º¹¿ø¼ú Transperineal Corrective Repair of Traumatic Cloaca by Obstetric Injury

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.45 ~ 49
À±¿ÏÈñ, ¼ÛÀλó,
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À±¿ÏÈñ ( Yoon Wan-Hee ) 
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¼ÛÀλó ( Song In-Sang ) 
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Traumatic cloaca refers to a perineal injury in women and is characterized by disruption of the perineal body, division of the anal sphincters anteriorly, and loss of the distal rectovaginal septum, causing complete fecal incontinence. An operative technique, including perineoplasty with puborectalis interposition and overlapping external anal sphincteroplasty is described to correct the defect and restore continence. This procedure has been used on 8 patients in a 3-year period with excellent anatomic and physiologic results.


Transperineal Repair;Rectovaginal Fistula;Obstetric Injury

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