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Kock ȸÀ島 ¼ö¼úÈÄ Çظ®µÈ ¹ëºêÀÇ º¹¿ø¼ú Valve Reconstruction with Pouch Expansion in the Desuscepted Nipple Valve

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.155 ~ 157
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±èÁøõ ( Kim Jin-Cheon ) 
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Valve slippage of the Kock¡¯s pouch has been the most common complication in the past and still ranged between 3 percent and 25 percent. A technique is presented that enables expansion of the pouch using a desuscepted nipple valve as well as construction of a competent new nipple valval. This technique had been accomplished successfully in
the 43-year-old male with desuscepted nipple valve.


Ileostomy;Koch¡¯s Pouch

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