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ÀþÀº ³²ÀÚ¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¿¡½º»ó °áÀå ¿°Àü Sigmoid Volvulus in Young Males

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.131 ~ 136
ÃÖ±âºÀ, Á¤±âÈÆ, ¹®È«¿µ,
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ÃÖ±âºÀ ( Choi Ki-Bong ) 
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Á¤±âÈÆ ( Jung Kee-Hoon ) 
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¹®È«¿µ ( Moon Hong-Young ) 
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Volvulus of the colon is a twisting of a redundant segment of the colon about it¡¯s narrow mesentery and sigmoid volvulus is the most common type. In many developing counteries this disorder is a common cause of obstruction of the intestine and in the western hemisphere it occurs in elderly patients who often have significant coexisting disease. This disorder may spontaneously reduce and recur as a chronic problem, but more frequently it becomes acute by obstruction, which may lead to strangulation and gangrene with high mortality if not treated promptly. Recently We have experienced 5
cases of signmoid volvulus, which were all in their twenties and had surgical operation. They had the triad of abdominal pain, distention, and absolute constipation. Plain abdominal roentgenogram was diagnostic in all cases The first line of treatment was nonoperative decompression with rigid sigmoidoscopy and successful in four of five. One Patient had emergency Hartman operation and other four had elective sigmoid resection with primary anastomosis.



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