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Ç×¹® Á÷Àå³ó¾ç½Ã ¼¼±Õ ¹è¾ç°ú Ç×»ýÁ¦ ¼±Åà Proper Selection of Antibiotic According to the Bacterial Culture of Anorectal Abscess

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 13±Ç 2È£ p.247 ~ 253
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½É°­¼· ( Sim Kang-Sub ) 
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¹ÚÀÀ¹ü ( Park Eung-Bum ) 
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The aim of this study was to determine the guideline of usage of antibiotics for anonectal suppurative disease. This study was conducted in consecutive 96 patients, who were taken surgical treatments for the anorectal abscess at the department of general surgery of Ewha Womans University Hospital, from January 1990 to December 1994. All subjects were classified in terms of age, gender, duration, history, associated disease, classification, location, and isolation of organism. The incidence of the anorectal abscess was highest in the 3rd and 4th decade of age and male in terms of gender. 80.3% of all
patients were admitted within 10 days after onset. The most common past history of anorectal disease was the anorectal abscess(15 cases, 15.6%) and the associated systemic disease was tuberculosis(9 cases, 9.4%). The main type of anoreclal abscess was the perianal abscess(87.5%) and the most frequent location was posterior area(39.6%). In the
pus culture and isolation test, 90.6% of all patients had colony formation and the most frequently cultured organism was E.coli(55 cases,57.3%), followed by Klebsiella species(15 cases,15.6%) and anaerobic Bacteroid species(14 cases,14.6%). In antibiotic sensitivity test, the 3rd generation of aminoglycoside was sensitive in 89 cases and
resistant in 3 cases, and the 3rd generation of cephalosporin was sensitive in 87 cases and resistant in 5 cases. These results suggest that the 3rd generation of aminoglycoside or the 3rd generation of cephalosporin could be selected to treat the anorectal suppurative disease.


Perianal Abscess

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