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´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 13±Ç 4È£ p.623 ~ 627
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±èµ¿ÀÇ ( Kim Dong-Yi ) 
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±è¿µÁø ( Kim Young-Jin ) 
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Familial adenomatous polyposis(FAP) has a significant risk of developing colorectal cancer. As a consequence, their surgical treatment is currently widely performed by restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(IPAA).
Frequently, the potential for recurrence in FAP patients after above operation was overlooked. In fact, several reports were presented for warning of recurred cancer in ileal pouch. We report a case of a patient who developed adenocarcinoma in an ileal pouch after restorative proctocolectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis with a review of literature.


Familial Adenomatous Polyposis(FAP)

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