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Modified Hanley ¼ú½ÄÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Á°ñÁ÷Àå¿Í¸¦ ħ¹üÇÑ ¸¶Á¦Çü Ä¡·çÀÇ Ä¡·á Modified Hanley¡¯s Operation in the Treatment of Horseshoe Type-Ischiorectal Fistula

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.55 ~ 63
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·ùÀçÇö ( Ryu Jae-Hyun ) 
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½É°­¼· ( Sim Kang-Sub ) 
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±è±¤È£ ( Kim Kwang-Ho ) 
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¹ÚÀÀ¹ü ( Park Eung-Bum ) 
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Purpose: Horseshoe type-ischiorectal fistula is originating initially from infected anal gland that connect with an anal crypt usually situated in the posterior midline of the anal canal. In the modified Hanley¡¯s operation, a prove inserted into the primary opening in directed into the posterior anal space. A straight incision from the primary opening toward the tip of the coccyx is made to unroof the posterior anal spcae and the anal portion of the fistulous tract. The secondary external fistula openings are incisied to permit better external drainage. The tracts are curratted but their entire lengths are not unroofed. This study presents the clinical features and the results obtained with modified Hanley¡¯s operation in the surgical management of horseshoe fistula.

Methods: This report is based on the clinical analysis of 22 cases of horseshoe type among 329 cases of fistula in ano, which were treated at the Department of General Surgery of Ewha Womans University Hospital from October 1993 to May 1998.

Results: The male to female ratio was 3.7£º1 and the age was range from 19 years-old to 61 years-old. The symptom were anal discharge and pain. The previous or combined anal disease were anal abscess and hemorrhoids. The internal openings were located at the dentate line in 18 cases and anterior portion in 5 cases. Horseshoe ischorectal
fistula included 17 cases of semi- horseshoe fistula and 1 case of horseshoe fistulous sinus. The spinal anesthesia and lithotomy position was used for operations. The cutting seton was applied in the 4 cases for preservation of sphincter function. The average hospital stay was 7.6 days and average wound healing time was 5.4 weeks. The postoperative complication of urinary retension was found in the 2 cases. Recurrence, fecal incontinence, anal deformity and anal anterior diaplacement was not developed during following periods.

Conclusion: We confirm that the modified Hanley¡¯s operation is a effective and conservative surgical procedure that minimizes the disadvantages of complete unroofing method & useful method for preservation of sphincter function.


Horseshoe fistula;Modified Hanley¡¯s operation

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