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´ëÀå ¹× °£ ÀüÀ̾ÏÀÇ p53, nm-23, VEGF ´Ü¹é ¹ßÇö°ú ¿¹ÈÄ¿ÍÀÇ »ó°ü°ü°è ºÐ¼® Prognostic Significance of p53, nm23 and VEGF Expression in Primary and Hepatic Colorectal Cancer Metastases Following Surgical Resection

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 18±Ç 2È£ p.121 ~ 127
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±è³²±Ô ( Kim Nam-Kyu ) 
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¹ÚÀç±Õ ( Park Jea-Kun ) 
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ÀÌ°­¿µ ( Rhee Kang-Young ) 
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±èÈ£±Ù ( Kim Ho-Keun ) 
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¼Õ½Â±¹ ( Sohn Seung-Kook ) 
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¹ÎÁø½Ä ( Min Jin-Sik ) 
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze a correlation between related molecular markers and prognosis after curative resection for primary and hepatic metastasis for colorectal cancer.

Methods: A total 63 patients who have been resected curatively for primary and metastatic colorectal cancer between 1989 and 2000. All patients were completely followed up and recurrence and survival rates were analyzed. All paraffin embedded tumor tissues in primary and metastatic tumors were used for microtissue array and immunohistochemical staining of p53, nm23 and VEGF.

Results: Mean follow up period was 30.9 months. Recurrence was noted in 39/63 (61.9%) and 5 year survival rates was 27.7%. 5 year survival rates according to protein expression in primary tumor: p53 +/- : 24.6% vs 27.3%, nm 23 +/- : 17.6% vs 38.9%, VEGF +/- : 38.8% vs 21.6% (P=0.16, 0.06, 0.9, respectively). 5 year survival rates according to protein expression in metastatic tumor, p53 +/- : 18% vs 59.2%, nm 23 +/- ; 38.2% vs 15.8%, VEGF +/- : 38.8% vs 21.6% (P=0.03, 0.35, 0.96, respectively). A patients recurred within 1 year after surgery (group ¥°, N=23) were compared with patients who recurred 1 year after (group ¥±, N=16). nm23 expression in primary tumor in each group of patients: +; 15/23 (65.2%), +: 4/16 (25 %), -: 8/23 (34.8%), -: 12/16 (75%), respectively (P=0.013). But, p53, VEGF expression in primary tumor showed no statistical significance. nm23 expression in metastatic tumor revealed no statistical significance between two group of patients.

Conclusions: p53 expression in metastatic tumor and nm 23 expression in primary tumor can predict poor prognosis after curative resection for primary and metastatic colorectal cancer. Molecular marker expression in primary and hepatic colorectal cancer can give us a reliable prognostic values.


Colorectal cancer;Hepatic metastasis;p53;nm 23;VEGF;Tissue microarray

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