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¼ºÀο¡¼­ »ý±ä º¹°­ ³» Å»Àå 2¿¹: Àå°£¸· ¹× ÀڱóÐÀº ÀÎ´ë °á¼Õ ºÎÀ§ Å»Àå Internal Hernia in Adult Patients: Transmesenteric Hernia and Internal Hernia through a Defect of the Broad Ligament

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 2006³â 22±Ç 6È£ p.428 ~ 431
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ÀÌÀαԠ( Lee In-Kyu ) 
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ÀÌÀ±¼® ( Lee Yoon-Suk ) 
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°­¿ø°æ ( Kang Won-Kyung ) 
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À̵µ»ó ( Lee Do-Sang ) 
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Á¤½ÂÀº ( Jung Seung-Eun ) 
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Àå¼®±Õ ( Chang Suk-Kyun ) 
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An internal hernia is a rare disease that causes bowel obstruction. It is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms and the signs are the same as those for other obstructive diseases of the bowel. Early diagnosis and management are essential, and early surgical management may reduce complications such as ischemia, and strangulation. We experienced two cases of internal hernias. One patient underwent a laparotomy, and had a transmesenteric defect with a herniated and strangulated small bowel segment. The other patient underwent a laparoscopic surgery, and we found that the left broad ligament had a focal defect with a herniated small bowel segment. An internal hernia is an uncommon disease, and its differentiation from other obstructive diseases of the bowel is difficult. However, the clinician should consider that the internal hernia might be the cause of the bowel obstruction, especially in patient with no previous history of intra- abdominal surgery. Early diagnosis can improve the clinical outcome through early surgery. J Korean Soc Coloproctol 2006;22:428-431


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Internal hernia;Transmesenteric hernia;Broad ligament

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