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Primary Multiple Mesenteric Liposarcoma of the Transverse Mesocolon

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 29±Ç 3È£ p.123 ~ 125
Sachidananda Sandeep, Ramesh Raja, Kuppurao Sivaprakasam, Krishnan Arunkumar,
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 ( Sachidananda Sandeep ) 
Stanley Medical College and Hospital Department of General Surgery

 ( Ramesh Raja ) 
Stanley Medical College and Hospital Department of General Surgery
 ( Kuppurao Sivaprakasam ) 
Stanley Medical College and Hospital Department of General Surgery
 ( Krishnan Arunkumar ) 
Stanley Medical College and Hospital Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Liposarcomas are common tumors arising in the retroperitoneum. However, a primary mesenteric liposarcoma is a rare entity and less than 50 cases have been reported so far. Further, a liposarcoma arising in the transverse mesocolon is very unusual, and cases of multiple primary tumors arising from the transverse mesocolon are extremely rare. We want to report a case of a multiple primary mesenteric liposarcoma arising from the transverse mesocolon in a 63-year-old female who was successfully treated by surgery. Because a primary mesenteric liposarcoma is a rare entity, it should be considered with the differential diagnosis of an abdominal mesenchymal tumor. It can be diagnosed preoperatively by using contrast enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The treatment for such a liposarcoma is surgical resection with sufficient surgical margin; the role of adjuvant therapy has yet to be defined.


Liposarcoma;Mesentric;Transverse magacolon;Diagnosis

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