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Giant Ascending Colonic Diverticulum Presenting With Intussusception

´ëÇÑ´ëÀåÇ×¹®ÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 29±Ç 5È£ p.209 ~ 212
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±èÈ£Áø ( Kim Ho-Jin ) 
Chosun University School of Medicine Department of Surgery

±èÁøÇÏ ( Kim Jin-Ha ) 
Chosun University School of Medicine Department of Surgery
¹®¿ÁÀΠ( Moon Ok-In ) 
Chosun University School of Medicine Department of Surgery
±è°æÁ¾ ( Kim Kyung-Jong ) 
Chosun University School of Medicine Department of Surgery


Diverticular disease of the colon is a common disease, and its incidence is increasing gradually. A giant colonic diverticulum (GCD) is a rare entity and is defined as a diverticulum greater than 4 cm in size. It mainly arises from the sigmoid colon, and possible etiology is a ball-valve mechanism permitting progressive enlargement. A plain abdominal X-ray can be helpful to make a diagnosis initially, and a barium enema and abdominal computed tomography may confirm the diagnosis. Surgical intervention is a definite treatment for a GCD. We report a case of an ascending GCD presenting with intussusception in a young adult.


Giant colonic diverticulum; Ascending colon; Intussusception; Surgical intervention

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