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½ºÄÚƲ·£µåÀÇ ¹ýÀǺΰËÁ¦µµ¿Í ±Û¶ó½º°í¿ì Áö¿ªÀÇ ºÎ°ËÅë°è Forensic pathology in Scotland and the analysis of post-mortem examinations at Glasgow

´ëÇѹýÀÇÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 23±Ç 2È£ p.207 ~ 207
¹ÚÈñ°æ, Peter Vanezis,
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¹ÚÈñ°æ ( Park Hee-Kyung ) 
University of Glasgow Department of Forensic Medical and Science

 ( Peter Vanezis ) 
University of Glasgow Department of Forensic Medical and Science


Scotland has a different legal system to that of England. This paper introduces a brief description of the legal system concerning the practice of forensic pathology forensic medicine in Scotland. To aid understanding of forensic pathologic practice, the statistical analysis of post-mortem examinations at Glasgow, in 1998 is shown.


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