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±úÁø À¯¸®ÄÅ¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ »ç°í¼º ¿¹±â¼Õ»ó »ç¸Á Accidental Sharp Force Fatality Caused by a Broken Glass Cup

´ëÇѹýÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 43±Ç 1È£ p.28 ~ 32
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ÃÖÀ¯Áø ( Choi Eu-Gene ) 
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ÇÏÈ«ÀÏ ( Ha Hong-Il ) 
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Most sharp force fatalities are attributed to homicide or suicide, with only a few accidental cases reported to date. Broken glass accounts for most of these accidental fatalities. We herein report an unusual accidental death caused by a broken glass cup. A 21-year-old woman was found dead on the floor of her studio apartment. The studio was a duplex consisting of one room and a bathroom, with a stepped drawer leading to the second floor. She was lying face down with her legs spread apart in a large pool of blood, surrounded by many pieces of broken glass. There was an oblique cut measuring 9 cm in length in the right sternocleidomastoid region just above the right clavicle. The surface of the cut wound showed irregular edges and the internal jugular vein was severed in the depth of the wound. She appeared to have fallen down the steps onto the ground floor and been fatally injured in the neck by a piece of broken glass.


Accidents; Neck injury; Glass; Death

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