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æãÝ»ðÚòÄðþåËÀÇ Ü»×âðÚòÄùÊîÜ Ëþßã# A Histopathologic Study on Soft Tissue Tumors

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1967³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.25 ~ 32
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ÀÌÁ¦±¸(×Ýð­Îú)/Chae Koo Lee ÀÌ»ó±¹(×ÝßÆÏÐ)/ÁöÁ¦±Ù(ò®ð§ÐÆ)/Sang Kook Lee/Je G Chi


An analysis of 336 cases of malignant and benign tumors of soft tissue, that were
examined at the department of pathology, college of medicine, Seoul National University,
during a period of 1l years from January 1955 to December 1965 was made.
Total 336 soft tissue tumors consisted of 79 malignant and 257 benign tumors, and
occupied 10 per cent of total tumors that were examined at this department during the
same period. And 79 malignant soft tissue tumors occupied 3.5% of total malignancies
during the same period, Seventy-nine malignant and 257 benign soft tissue tumors were
histologically classified and tabulated. Among malignant tumors, fibrosarcoma, nemogenic
sarcoma, fibroliposarcoma and leiomyosarcoma were especially prevalent, and among
benign tumors hemangioma, lipoma, fibroma and neurofibroma were more commonly
Average ages of malignant and benign soft tissue tumors were 37 and 33
respectively. Male was slightly preponderant than female in both malignant and benign
Site distributions of 336 soft tissue were also tabulated, and some tumors were
selected and described in more detail.


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