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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1967³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.43 ~ 48
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À̱Լ±(×ÝЦà¼)/Kyu Sun Rhee ÁöÁ¦±Ù(ò®ð§ÐÆ)/Je G. Chi


Two autopsy cases of pulmonary kypoplasia associated with congenital diaphragmatic
hernia(Bochdalek foramen) have been presented.
The first case is a 12-hour-old new born infant, who was admitted for cyanosis and
dyspnea. At operation, the left hemithorax was filled with loops of small intestine which
had been herniated through a large defect in the left posterolateral portion of the
diaphragm. The defect was properly repaired. However, the patient expired soon after
operation showing persistent respiratory difficulty. At autopsy, both lungs
hypoplastic especially in the left, and no evidence of expansion was noted under the
The second case is a 3-day-old newborn infant who was admitted for cyanosis and
general weakness. Soon after admission the patient expired. At autopsy, left lung
weighed only 5 gm. and consisted of a rather stolid dark gray mass attached to the
hilum. The spleen and loops of small intestine were found in the left hemithorax which
had been herniated through a round defect in the left posterolateral portion
Pathogenesis of pulmonary hypoplasia associated with diaphragmatic hernia of
congenital origin is discussed and the related papers are briefly reviewed,


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