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ñ«áÍ¿¡ öÇñìÇÏ¿© è¦òàÇÑ êÖäß(À§¾Ï) -3 ÜøËþçÓ(ºÎ°Ë·Ê)ÀÇ ÜÃͱ- Carcinoma of Stomach Undiagnosed Antemortem Because of Dominant Presenting Symptoms

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1968³â 2±Ç 1È£ p.65 ~ 69
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¼Ò¹®¼®(áÌÙþà¸)/Mun Sok Soh ÀÌ¿µ¸¸×ÝçÈØ»)/Yeong Man Lee


Dominant presenting symptoms less associated with the primary disease sometimes
have led the clinicians to the misdiagnoses. This paper is to report such three examples
in which the stomach cancers were found to be primary in the postmortem
examinations. Case 1, 29 years old male, was presented with the scapula mass of 6
months duration which was turned out to be metastatic nature. Case 2 was a 25 years
old female who was admitted to the hospital with marked ascites and diagnosed as
tuberculous peritonitis. This patient had largely serosal dissemination. Case 3 was a 50
years odd man who came in with severe amebic colitis which interfered the correct
diagnosis. The first two cases of ours, which may be classified as penetrating (or
ulcerating) type according to Stout, were without or with insignificant. ulcer formation
on the gastric mucosa. Both retreated more exophytic growth of the tumor and
presented diagnostic problems. Bony metastasis of stomach cancer observed in Case 1 is
reported to be relatively rare.


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