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ý­ÜÙد,ñ¤åËÀÇ Ü»×âðÚòÄùÊîÜ Ëþßã A Histopathologic Study on Retroperitoneal Tumors

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1968³â 2±Ç 2È£ p.125 ~ 133
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¾ç¹®È£(åÄÙþûÇ)/Moon Ho Yang


A Pathologic study is made on 44 cases of retroperitoneal tumors of koreans, obtained
during a period of 12 yearn, 1956-1967, at the Department of Pathology, College of
Medicine, Seoul National University, and following
are the results.
1. Poorly four retroperitoneal tumors examined consist of 7 (15.9%) benign and 37
(84.1%) cases of malignant tumors.
2. Thirty seven malignant and seven benign retroppritonea] tumors are histolpgically
classified and tabulated.
Among malignant tumors, Liposarcoma 9(20.4%), malignant Lymphoma (13.6%),
metastatic Tumors (9.1%), and malignant teratoma (6.81%), especially prevalent, and
among benign tumors, benign teratoma 3(6.8%) is more commonly encountered,.
3. Overall age distribution shows highest peaks of benign tumors in age range 31r.,40
and of malignant in 51¡­60.
Average ages of malignant and benign retroperitoneal tumors are 40 and 28 years
4. Male is slightly preponderant than female


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