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ÊÀðú ÝÂÎÃÎÃÓøͪ¿¡ À־ CyanmethemoglobinÀÇ ýåÎÃÌõ⦠Extinction Coefficient of Cyanmethemoglobin in various Spectrophotometers

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1968³â 2±Ç 2È£ p.143 ~ 147
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±è±âÈ«(ÐÝѹûó)/Ki Hong Kim ÀÌÀÍȯ(×ÝìÌüº)/±è·æ¸í(ÐÝ×£Ù¥)/ÀÌÁÖ¼·(×Ýñ²àð)/IK Whan Lee/Yong Myung Kim/Joo Sup Lee


Drabkin's cyanmethemoglobin method is acknowledged as the best available
photometric procedure for the determination of total hemoglobin in blood.
In Korea standard hemoglobin (Acuglobin, Ortho Co. ) has been not imported, so
cyanmethemoglobin method in hemoglobinolmetry is not widely used in many hospitals
which are equiped with spectrophotometer. Only a few hospitals are available for this
method by using Fisher Hemophotometer.
Hemoglobin, however, can be calculated without standard solution by knowing
extinction coefficient of cyanmethemoglobin in various photometers.
Authors present the extinction coefficient in Bookman DU, Beckmsn B, Coleman Jr. 6,
and Spectronic 20.


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