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à»ô¸àõ ôÀýÙÍé ѱû¡ðþ (1 Ý»Ëþ ñøçÓ ÜÃͱ) Congenital Sacro-Coccygeal Teratoma (Report of an Autopsy Case)

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1969³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.33 ~ 37
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¾ç¹®È£(åÄÙþûÇ)/Moon Ho Yang ÀÌÁßÈñ(×Ýñìýë)/¾È±àȯ(äÌÐæüº)/ÁöÁ¦±Ù(ò®ð§ÐÆ)/ÀÌ»ó±¹(×ÝßÆÏÐ)/Joong Hee Lee/Geung Hwan Ahn/Je G. Chi/Sang Kook Lee


An autopsy case of a congenital sacrococcygeal teratoma in a dead born fetus of eight
months gestation is reported. The fetus weighs 1.3 kg. and reveals a large protruding
tumor mass in sacral region, measuring 14¡¿10¡¿10 cm. and weighing 400 gm. The
tumor is completely covered with skin. The tumor masses are partly cystic and partly
solid with variegated appearance on cut sections. Anteriorly the tumor is partly
extending into spinal canal.
Microscopically the tumor is composed of various elements derived from trigerm
layers. Most prominent elements are central nervous tissue with considerable amount of
choroidal plexus. No evidence of malignancy is noted.
There are found no congenital anomalies except for the teratoma.
Brief review of literature is made.


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