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ñìÜÜѱû¡ä®ÀÇ Ü»×âùÊîÜ Ëþßã <2 Ý»ËþñøÖÇ ÜÃͱ> Conjoined Twins -Two Autopsy Cases Report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1969³â 3±Ç 2È£ p.51 ~ 57
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¾È¼±È¯(äÌà¾üº)/Geung Hwan Ahn ÁöÁ¦±Ù(ò®ð§ÐÆ)/ÀÌÁøÈ£(×ÝòÒûà)/ÀÌ»ó±¹(×ÝßÆÏÐ)/±èÈ«ÅÃ(ÐÝûð÷Ê)/Àü°æÈ£(îïÌÈûà)/Je Geun Chi/Jin Ho Lee/Sang Kook Lee/Hong Taek Kim/Kyung Ho Chun


The term "conjoined twins" is usually applied to twins who have some variety of
anatomical union. We have the opportunity to study two cases of conjoined twine at the
Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University.
The first case is cephalothoracopagus syncephalus, which was one of live-born
binovular triplets delivered from a 33-years-old multiparous Korean woman at 32 weeks
of gestation period.
The second case is dicephalus dipus tribrachius, which was still-born uniovular twin
delivered from a 31-years-old multiparous Korean woman at 36 weeks of gestation
period. Review of the literature conscerning the classification, etiology and prognosis of
the conjoined twins was attempted.


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