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î¢ßæÝÕÕÞàõÞ¸úìÀÇ ÍéâÐ(°ñ¼ö) ¹× ØÇôþúìäûßÀ¿¡ μÇÑ Ëþßã Hematological Studies on 58 Cases of Aplastic Anemia

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.13 ~ 16
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Á¶ÇÑÀÍ(ðáùÓìÍ)/H.I. Cho ¹Ú¹®°©(ÚÓÙþË£)/±è»óÀÎ(ÐÝßÓìÒ)/M.K. Park/S.I. Kim


Hematological findings of 58 cases of classical types of aplactic anemia which have
been accumulated in the Dept. of Clinical Pathology of Seoul National University
Hospital from 1960 to 1968were analysed. The results show a annually increasing
tendency in case numbers, dominating in male(Male: Female=1.3 : 1) and young age.
Mean values of hematological datas
Hemoglobin: 5.4¡¾2.4gm%, Reticulocytes : 0.33¡¾0.23
WBC: 3190¡¾1374/cmm, Platelets: 58400¡¾9800/cmm
Coagulation time: 15'32"¡¾5'18" Bleeding time: 9' 30"¡¾6' 12"
ESR: male 13.6¡¾7.6mm/hr female 13.2¡¾3.4mm/hr
Differential count of peripheral blood :
Band: 1.24¡¾0.54% Seg. Neutrophil: 20.81 ¡¾9.491 %
Seg. Baso: 0.05¡¾0.02% Seg. Eosino. 0.74¡¾0.30%
Monocyte: 1.44¡¾0.81% Lymphocyte: 74.46¡¾22.45%
Quantitative data of bone marrows;
MEvolume: 0.9¡¾0.43% RBC: 16.6¡¾7.20%
Plasma:79.8¡¾7,92% Fat:2.5¡¾1.2%
Differential count of Bone marrow;
Myeloblast: 0.46¡¾0.21 Promyelocyte: 1.32¡¾0.48
Myelocyte: 3.80¡¾1.93 Metamyelocyte: 3.20¡¾1.40
Band: 5.60¡¾3.88 Seg. Neutro.: 11.04¡¾7.24
Seg. Eosino.: 1.39¡¾0.51 Seg. Baso.: 0.30¡¾0.22
Lymphocyte: 58.92¡¾14.0 Monocyte: 1.16¡¾0.23
Plasma cell: 1.70¡¾0.57 Baso. Normo.: 0.68¡¾0.27
Poly. Normo.: 4.88¡¾1.93 Ortho. Normo.: 6.12¡¾2.18


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