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ÀÓ»óÈ­Çа˻çÀÇ Á¤È®µµ ¹× Á¤¹Ðµµ°ü¸®¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A Study of the Accuracy and Precision of Clinical Chemistry Determinations.

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.23 ~ 28
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ä¹ü¼®/B.S. Tchai


We had studied about the accuracy and precision of clinical chemistry determinations
in the of Clinical Chemistry, Department of Clinical Pathology. Seoul National University
Hospital for 2 years. The purpose of this evaluation study was to determine if this
laboratory was performing satisfactorily and to define the accuracy of control serums.
Commercially prepared samples, hoarse serum and pooled serum were used as control
serums for estimation of total cholesterol, total protien, phosphorus, SGOT thymol
turbidity test, alkaline phosphatase, sodium, potassium and chloride results are as
1) It was found that a considerable number of values fell outside of the allowable
limits especially in the estimations of cholesterol and thymol turbidity test(Table 2,3,4).
2) Acceptable reasons of a lack of both accuracy and precision included the technical
errors, and in accuracy of methods.
There was obviously a need for an improvement in the methods of detecting erros
and of evaluating precision in the laboratory.
3) There were same difference in the range of accuracy depend on the control
samples. Generally, eyophilized samples showed rather constant values.


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