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߾ѨԳðþåËÀÇ Ü»×âðÚòÄùÊîÜ(º´¸®Á¶Á÷ÇÐÀû) Ëþßã A Histopathologic Study on Tumors of Upper Respiratory Tract.

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.35 ~ 44
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¾È¼±È¯(äÌà¾üº)/Geung Hwan Ahn


A histopathologic study was made on 436 cases of tumors of upper respiratory tract,
which were obtained during a period of 10 years, from 1959 to 1968, at the Department
of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, and the results ware as
1. Four hundred and thirty-six tumors of upper respiratory tract examined consist of
96 (22%) benign and 340 (78%) malignant tumors.
2. Among all tumors of upper respiratory tract, their site incidence by the frequency
ratio is highest for tumors of larynx (34.9%), and, thereafter, in order of frequency ratio,
for tumors of nasal cavity (22.0%), tumors of pharynx (12.6%), tumors of nasopharynx
(9.6%) and tumor of trachea (0.2%).
3. The age distribution of all benign tumors o: upper respiratory tract showed highest
incidence (25.1%) in the third decade with mean age of 33.1 years. The age distribution
of all malignant tumors of upper respiratory tract showed highest incidence (33.5%) in
sixth decade with mean age of 49.6 years.
4. Ninety-six benign and 340 malignant tumors of upper respiratory tract were
histologically classified and tabulated. Among benign tumors, squamous cell papilloma,
hemangioma and fibroma were especially prevalent, and among malignant tumors,
squamous cell carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma and lymphosarcoma were more
commonly encountered.
5. Site, sea and age distribution of 436 tumors of upper respiratory tract were
tabulated, and some tumors were selected and described in detail.


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