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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 4±Ç 2È£ p.107 ~ 115
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Since the Cuthbertson's report that traumatic injuries cause a marked increase of
non-protein nitrogen in urine, it has been generally believed that the traumatic injuries
enhance the catabolism of the body, and the increased catabolism is induced by the
hypersecretion of corticoids following the trauma. However, it has also been reported by
some in vestigators that injuries stimulate and increase the anabolism as well as
catabolism in the protein metabism.
Investigations have been carried out by the members of our department on the
mechanism of elevation of plasma fibrinogen after confirmation of its occurrence
following the traumatic injuries.
They made clear that the inversion of the plasma albumin-globulin ratio of plasma
protein after injury was the integral consequence of the decreased albumin amount due
to the increased turn-over rate overshadowing the increased anabolism and of the
increased fibrinogen amount due to decreased catabolism. Hong(1966) gave traumatic
injuries to the pancreas and Im(1966) to the salivary gland, organs which contain large
amount of nucleic acid among the body organs, and studied the influence of trauma on
enzyme activity and the amount of RNA of those organs and made clear that the
traumatic injuries gave rise to a marked increase of amylase activity and amount of
ribonucleic acid in the pancreatic cells and a decrease in the amount of ribonucleic acid
of the salivary gland.
Therefore the authors performed the autoradiographic observation to evaluate the early
incorporation rate of L-leucine-U-l4C into the acinar cells of the carotid
gland, the sublingual gland and the pancreas of the burned mice.
The results were as follows:
In the burned mice, the incorporation rate of L-leucine-U-l4C into tile
acinar cells of the salivary glands and the Pancreas reached its maximum earlier than
that in the normal mice.


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