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ÑÛðþåÆÑÛ 48çÓ¿¡ À־ úìôèõÅÓ±ÛÜ æ¤òµï³Ñ¨ç¶ÔÑßÀ CRPÚãëë ¹× úìßäáÈö·¿¡ ÓßÇÏ¿© Total Protein, Paper Electrophoretic Patterns, CRP Reaction and Hemoglobin Content in Lepromatous Leprosy

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 4±Ç 2È£ p.117 ~ 121
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±èÀç½Ä(ÐÝî¤ãÕ)/Jae Sik Kim ±è¼ö³²(ÐÝâ³Ñû)/À±¼ºÁ÷(ëÅá¡òÃ)/±èÀçȯ(ÐÝî¤üº)/±èÁ߸í(ÑÑñìÙ¥)/Bae Nam Kim/Seong Jik Yoon/Jae Hwan Kim/Jyung Myung Kim


Total protein, paper electrophoretic patterns, CRP reaction and hemoglobin in
lepromatous leprosy cases were tested to estimate recent evaluations compare to past
1. Total protein was 6.99¡¾0.53 gm% in mean value and this result was similar to
past reports.
3. In findings of the electrophoretic patterns albumin and ¥á1-, ¥á
2-, ¥â-, and ¥ã-globulin were 47.38¡¾0.86%, 6.48¡¾0.94%, 9.54¡¾0.38%, 13.13
¡¾0.54% and 23.38¡¾0.65% of total protein. From this result of protein fractions, it
showed decreased albumin and increased globulin fractions which resulted in decrease of
A/G ratio and this result is nearly as same as past reports.
3. There were only 4 cases (8.33%) of positive CRP reaction.
4. The mean value of hemoglobin content was 12.43¡¾0. l7gm%.


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