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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1972³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.19 ~ 25
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It has been generally accepted that Ehrlich carcinoma is not strain-specific. However,
Park (1968) of our laboratory reported that the intracranially implanted tumor of Ehrlich
carcinoma did not show any necrosis till the mouse was killed 2 weeks after tumor
inoculation and that in the subcutaneous transplantation of the same tumor, the same
tumor tissue showed marked necrosis even 1 week after the inoculation. And Seu (1968)
reported that in the tumor growth of intrahepatic, intrarenal and intratesticular
implantation necrosis was conformed 1 week following the tumor transplantation except
in the testis.
Rho and Kim (1971) also reported that in the immune (UV-killed tumor vaccine
inoculated) mice, the tumor growth became retarded in comparison with the non-immune
mice, and central necrosis began to appear 12 hours after tumor inoculation whereas in
the non-immune mice necrosis appeared far lately in the form of central necrosis in the
tumor, which was often combined with cellular necrosis in the immune mice later, and
on the other hand, the infiltration of small round cells was stronger in the immune mice
in comparison with the non-immune ones.
In this work, an attempt was made to observe autoradiographically the proliferation
rates of small round cells of the host to tumor growth in both non-immune and immune
(UV-killed tumor vaccine inoculated) mice.
The results were as follows:
1. In the immune mice, the tumor growth became retarded in comparison with the
non-immune mice.
2. In the immune mice, the proliferation of small round cells around the tumor mass
was distinct in comparison with the non-immune ones.


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