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×ú÷éϹÀÇ àõßÒ¿¡ °üÇÑ æÚϼ(ð¯ 1Üà PHAÀÚ±Ø ÀÓÆı¸ÀÇ Blast-transformation) Studies on the blastogenesis of PHA Stimulated Lymphocytes

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1972³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.27 ~ 34
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±è»óÀÎ(ÐÝßÓìÒ)/Sang-In Kim À̱Ϳµ(×ÝÏþç¬)/Kui-Nyung Yi


Studies on the blastogenesis of PHA stimulated lymhpocytes of the cord blood of
newborns, and the vencus bloods of the 2¡­6 month old normal infants, normal adults
and chromic lympoid leukemia patients of the Koreans and Israeli were performed.
The results are summerized as follows:
1) Lymphocytes from cord blood of newborns showed slightly higher transformation
rate while the infants showed significantly low comparing with that of normal adults.
2) Sex difference in transformation rate is not significant.
3) Mean values of transformation rates in Koreans are slightly higher than that of
Israeli, however the Koreans disclosed more individual variations.
4) 3H-thymidine incorporation rate in 2¡­6 month old infants is markedly
low while the blast-transformation rate is relatively high, indicating that the DNA
synthesis rate of PHA stimulated lymphocytes in this age group is very low comparing
that of newborns and adults.


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