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ù­ìôð¥ Ü×éÄåüàõ¿¡ Û¡ßæÇÑ êáÛ®àéë«àÍðþÀÇ û¡÷¾ùÊîÜ ÍÅóÌ Atypical Fibroadenomas of Breast in Women Receiving Oral Contraceptives-A Histological Reappraisal-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1973³â 7±Ç 2È£ p.111 ~ 119
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ÀÌÁ¤ºó(×ÝïáÞ¯)/Jung Bin Lee ±è¿ëÀÏ(ÐÝé¸ìé)/ÀÌÁ¦±¸(×Ýð­Îú)/Yong Il Kim/Chae Koo Lee


Histopathological features of 4 atypical fibroadenomas of breast in women receiving
oral contraceptives were compared with those of fibroadenomas in lactating and pregnant
period and common fibroadenomas, to specify morphological characteristics of these
atypical neoplastic growths and to correlate with administration of oral contraceptives.
Fibroadenomas found among women taking contraceptive pills were able to divide into
2 types ; atypical glandular and ductal hyperplasia with secretory activity (epithelial
type), and stromal cell hyperplasia with more prominent cleft formation of ducts with or
without multinucleated cells (stromal type). They appeared partly similar to those seen
in 5 fibroadenomas in lactating and pregnant period.
It was highly suggestive that atypicality of fibroadenomas of the women receiving
oral contraceptives may be related to high hormonal millieu.
However, at present, it is hard to determine definite cause-and-result relationship
between the atypical features and administration of oral contraceptives.


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