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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1974³â 8±Ç 2È£ p.91 ~ 97
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ÀÌÁ¦±¸(×Ýð­Îú)/Chae Koo Lee ±è¿ëÀÏ(ÐÝé¸ìé)/¼Û°è¿ë(áäÌöéÄ)/Yong Il Kim/Kye Yong Song


One hundred and fourteen consecutive cases of histologically verified ovarian serous
and mucinous tumors were reevaluated to clarify the histlogical specificity of borderline
The unique and definitive diagnostic criterion for the establishment of borderline
malignancy of both serous and mucinous tumors is aggressive proliferation of lining
cells without neighboring stromal invasiveness, but further reliable informations to
suggest such low grade malignancy include less pleomorphic tumor cells with no
apparent solid epithelial cell nest or secondary gland formation.
Among various histological and cytological characteristics in relation to cellular
pleomorphism, presence of one or more macronucleoli was very closely correlated with
histological gradings of both tumors.
True papillary growth with tendency of forming delicate secondary branching and
marked epithelial stratification in serous tumors and the leakage of mucin into the
adjacent stromal tissue in mucinous tumors were additional strong suggestions of
invasive carcinoma, for which borderline malignancy should not be taken into
consideration when some, but not all, of the above morphological features were detected.


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