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Paraffin Æ÷¸ÅÁ¶Á÷À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ÀüÀÚÇö¹Ì°æÀû °Ë»ö Studies on the Usefulness of Paraffin Embedded Tissue for Electronmicroscopy by Reprocessing

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Paraffin embedded tissue after the fixation in 10% neutral formalin for routine light
microscopy were deparaffinized and reprocessed for electronmicroscopy.
While a large part of ultrastrures were poorly preserved, some of structures, namely
nucleolus, nuclear chromatin, inner nulcear membrane, specific cytoplasmic granules,
dense bodies, cell skeleton, and desmosomes were relatively well preserved. Thus even
the routine paraffin embedded tissues can be used for the demonstration of these
ultrastructures when desired, in addition to that it is much easier to select area to be
desired for the electronmicroscopic examinations.


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