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½Ä¹°Ç÷±¸ÀÀÁý¼Ò Rheum coreanum. N.ÀÌ ½ÇÇ÷°¡ÅäÀÇ Á¶Ç÷±â´É¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ Effect of Rheum coreanum.N. on Hematopoietie Activity of Blooded Rabbit

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1974³â 8±Ç 2È£ p.115 ~ 121
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±è»óö/Sang Chull Kim


Rheum coreanum Nakai(R.C.N.) has been known to possess phytohemoagglutinin
This experimental study is undertaken to evaluate whether R.C.N. has effect on
hematopoietic activity in rabbit. Each rabbit of experimental group was injected 1.0ml of
R.C.N. extract intravenously just after bleeding, and studied peripheral blood in R.B.C.
count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, reticulocyte count, total W.B.C. count, Iymphocyte and
granulocyte count.
The result obtained are as follow :
1. Interval of recovery in erythrocytic series was shortened by R.C.N. injection after
2. Higher level of peripheral leukocyte count in early stage was noted by R.C.N.
injection afterbleeding. .
3. Higher level of peripheral leukocyte count was due to increased lymphocyte count
R.C.N. seems to possess activities to stimulate the bone marrow hematopoiesis and the
blastoid transformation of lymphocytes.


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