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MalacoplakiaÀÇ ±¤ÇÐ ¹× ÀüÀÚÇö¹Ì°æÀû °üÂû A Case of Malacoplakia -Light and Electronrnicroscopic Study-

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A case of malacoplakia involving the urinary bladder and appendicesl peritoneum in a
69 years old female was studied by light and electron microscopy.
Light microscopic features were characteristic of classical description, namely massive
infiltration of macrophages with large amount of clear cytoplasm numerous PAS positive
granules and Michaelis-Gutmann bodies.
On electron microscopy, many colliform bacterial structures were noted in the
cytoplasm phagosome and phagolysosome of macrophages.
Although no transitional stages from phagolysosome into Michaelis-Gutmann body
were observed st our study, the presence of bacilli in cytoplasm and phagolysosome
strongly supports the Michaelis-Gutmann body is formed by calcification of
phagolysosome which engulfed bacilli.


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