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½É³»¸· ¼¶À¯Åº¼ºÁõÀÇ 1¿¹ A case of Endocardial Fibroelastosis of the Left Vertricle.

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The endocardial fibroelastosis is a disease of obscure origin that occures predominently
in infants and children but also observed in adults. It is usually diffuse, occasionally
patchy thickening of the mural endocardium due to overgrowth of collagenous and
elastic tissues.
We have experienced a case of 64 years old male, who has the clinical findings of
congestive heart failure. The autopsy revealed an enlarged heart of 425gms, with
hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Microscopically, the left ventricle showed fibroelastic
thickening of the endocardium, the fibroelastic tissue penetrating into the myocardium.
The left atrium was free from remarkable findings, and no significant fibrous thickening
was noted. The valvular morphology and other chambers of the heart were also free
from remarkable findings.


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